Tailored Customer Feedback Websites and Control Panels

1. ..We devise and manage client and customer feedback programmes.

2. . We build tailored web control panels allowing input of any type of different customer feedback forms..

3. ..Our methodology allows customers or clients to use Feedback forms themselves.

4. ..Allows customer feedback to be entered by staff at the company's locations, venues, branches, offices or sites.

5. ..We can collate customer feedback forms as well as your staff or we can input them directly for you.

6. ..We devise and measure key satisfaction and performance indicators.

7. ..We collate and analyse the customer feedback data from all of your sites.

8. ..We provide comprehensive management reports at frequencies to suit you.

9. . Our reports can categorise and analyse the data in any way you want.

10..All data is centralised and hence faciltates continuous monitoring and trending.

The centralised data can be used by your marketing and sales teams and to update your own in-house data.